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Roof Cleaning in the Twin Cities and Other Easy Ways to Keep Your Home’s Exterior Clean

December 19, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that the cleanliness of your home’s exterior has a major impact on its curb appeal? Did you also know that keeping your home clean can extend the life of the structure, enhance your landscaping and increase your home’s value? A few simple tasks, such as roof cleaning in the Twin Cities, can transform your home. To add appeal to your property and start reaping the benefits of a clean exterior, use the following easy methods: Roof cleaning: Take a look at your roof. Do you see any black streaks, mildew growth or other discolorations? Your roof is... View Article

Be in the Know! Tips for Choosing Quality Roofing Contractors in the Twin Cities

December 5, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Few home projects are more significant than a new roof. From minor repairs to complete replacement, roofing projects can have a great impact on your property and your bank account. If one of these projects is on your 2019 calendar, it’s essential to choose the right professional for the job. As you consider roofing contractors in the Twin Cities, use the following vetting methods to find the best experts for your project: Do your research: Check with local and national industry organizations to determine the rating of roofing contractors in the Twin Cities. Check with the Chamber of Commerce and... View Article

Five Qualities to Look for in Residential Siding Contractors in the Twin Cities, MN

November 19, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

When you need a professional to install or repair some part of your house, chances are you’ll weigh the pros and cons of working with at least a couple different contractors. For instance, if you’re looking for a residential siding contractor, you likely want a company that is capable of completing the job on time and to your expectations. This company must be experienced and knowledgeable so you know your new siding will continue to look beautiful and last for years to come. The key is to know your budget, then hire the best siding contractor you can afford. Below... View Article

Some Top Exterior Home Improvements in the Twin Cities, MN for 2018

November 5, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Although you want the inside of your house to be presentable, when it comes to home improvements, curb appeal is often considered the most important thing to focus your energy on—especially if you are planning to sell your home soon. Think about it: the first thing potential buyers will notice about the house is how it looks from the street. If everything on the outside looks worse for fear, buyers may just drive on by. Whether you are staying or selling, there are a few smart projects you should consider to help boost the value of your home. Below are... View Article

Important Questions to Ask When Choosing a Roofing Company

October 13, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s certainly no shortage of roofing contractors in the Twin Cities. In fact, a quick Google search will yield hundreds of results! So, the problem isn’t necessarily finding a roofer when you need one—it’s finding a quality contractor who will put in an honest day’s work to complete any job, and who won’t overcharge you in the process of doing so. Choosing a roofing contractor can be tricky. After all, not all roofers are created equal. Some offer services that others don’t, and some charge way more for the job than they should. The good news is that we’re here... View Article